Thursday, February 10, 2011

TW Cables launches "Whole Home" DVR in Charlotte

For an additional $19.99 per month, plus equipment fees, local Time Warner Cable customers can sign up for TWC's new Whole House DVR.

With Whole Home DVR, customers can watch programming recorded in one room while in another room, so long as it is properly equipped. This way, you can start watching, say, "American Idol," in the downstairs family room, and finish in the master bedrooom.

Whole House was previously offered in TWC's "Signature Home" bundle of phone, ultra high speed internet and Whole Home DVR/TV service.

With whole home, DVRs are networked together with traditional set top boxes. Satellite provider DirecTV and AT&T U-Verse also offer similar features.


Rob said...

I've had these for a few months as a part of the Signature Home plan. It's better than having them not connected, but there are still some weaknesses:

- you can't delete a program recorded on the other device. That results in a lot of leftover, watched programs that you have to clean up over time.

- the user interface is the same as their regular DVRs - it's clunky and the program search stinks. Is it really that hard to mimic the TiVo?

- the program guide isn't updated enough for late schedule changes

- you can only see shows 7 days out. TiVo is better, with two weeks. So you see an ad for a new show starting in a couple of weeks (or even longer), and you can't put in a request to record it.

Anonymous said...

The idea of sending any more money to TimeWarner for its overpriced and inferior service makes me dizzy.

Hockeypuck 0715 said...

DirecTv offers the same program for 3 bucks a month ... Yes that $3.00 and not $ 19.95 like TWC
... There is a one time set up fee which you negotiate with them on so it's a heck of a better deal than Time Warner ...

Andy said...

this service is included for free with Dish Network

Anonymous said...

why doesn't TW concentrate on upgrading its' DVR's first? I'm tired of non-responsive remote clicks from DVR's so bogged down with programming they are practically useless.

Anonymous said...

The $19.95 probably includes the cost of renting the 2nd DVR box, and I doubt the $3 DirecTV fee covers that.

That being said, I see no reason why just renting another box doesn't give you the capability.

Unknown said...

Exactly why I switched to Dish Network. Better service MUCH better more channels and dropped about $30 off my cable bill

Anonymous said...

we've had uverse for about a year now. you can record / control from any box...part of their service - no additional charge if you are signed up for dvr. Only down side is you have to have a box on each tv...
was never impressed with twc.

Anonymous said...

Is this really necessary? I'm not going to give them an extra $20 a month.

Anonymous said...

TIVO has had this ability for years free, as long as you have a 2nd, 3rd, etc. TIVO receiver on a wireless network.

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would break the Monopoly TWC has on Metro Charlotte, just a matter of time till they dream up another way of squeezing more $ out of its customers

Anonymous said...

Well whoop-dee-doo. Another "innovation", another "must have" from TWC. You know, if you set your mind to it, you could spend over $200 a month on TWC's gimmicks and tiers. I'll bet some people already do.

Anonymous said...

I'd be ecstatic if TWC would just give us 4x fast forward back.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, we are watching too much TV as it is already.

Portfolio Recovery said...

I'm already out to TWC for internet, HD, HD-DVR, Showtime, HBO, Road Runner. Our family is already sacrificing dinner two nights a week. What more must we give?

Anonymous said...

Switched to an over-the-air antenna on my HDTV about a year ago. Best decision I ever made. If you're a light TV watcher like myself, I highly recommend it. The HD is much clearer than TWC and you don't have to deal with the annoying lag of the digital cable box. Kiss this TWC!

Anonymous said...

Time Warner is probably the worst company I have ever dealt with. I will never give them another penny.

Anonymous said...

Too late, just switched to At&T U-Verse!

David said...

FiOS with Verizon has had this for awhile and it's free. Way to be behind times Time Warner...aka...worse service provider!

Anonymous said...

TWC- what a rip off. ATT U-Verse does not charge anything for this service

Anonymous said...

You can also program the DVRs through the internet, but that interface is soo clunky I only bear it when I'm out of town or need to record something before I get home. Otherwise it's faster to walk across the house, turn on the TV, then set the program to record.

Anonymous said...

None of you all "have" to have TWC. Honestly. Put up a damn antenna.

Anonymous said...

Or read a book.

Anonymous said...

CO sure is in love with TWC. Every time ey sneeze there's a new article.

Unknown said...

TWC's track record is horrendous. The primary thing they do well is jack up the rates at least once per year.

I continue to use cable because there are shows I enjoy which aren't delivered over the air. I ditched DVR to reduce bill; got rid of one set top box to do same -- but rates keep on going up.

Unfortunately, I have no line of sight to satellite and can' switch. However, at the next rate increase I will ditch cable as I have a fixed income but consumer prices are rising rapidly due to fuel costs. So TWC will lose me as a customer.

You would think that the decline in subscribers would have them looking for ways to cut fees in order to retain customers. Guess they will finally wise up when their customer base dwindles to 50% of where it was five years ago!

Anonymous said...

I still prefer my antenna

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Nate with DISH Network. DISH Network dual tuner DVR's can also do this as well. Our DVR's have won the CNET's Editors Choice and PC magazine Editor's Choice Award for Best DVR. DISH Network can also provide you HD free for life and we have the most HD channels in the industry! DISH Network can provide and crisp clear picture for you HD TV. You can check this out at